Site Contents:
Olaf's tapes can be ordered at Before 2012 and Beyond.
- Ordering
- Tapes, Reports, Books, and Special Offers.
- About Us
- Background of Hage Productions, Chapel Perilous, and our radio shows.
- Contact Us
- Hage Productions
P.O. Box 427 Brunswick, ME 04011
The Time Quest
Order Page
Currently Available Items
"Acorn" Video/Book Offer Below
New Printable Sample Order Form
Note: Orders MUST be sent by Mail. Send money order to:
Hage Productions
P.O. Box 427
Brunswick, ME 04011
U.S. funds only. Foreign orders must include appropriate shipping charges. Priority Mail
NOT available outside USA: e-mail us first.
Tapes of RADIO SHOWS... General Tape Offerings... Classic Series Tapes... "Too Hot for Radio" Tape Series... Secret History of the Bible
Book... "Acorns" VIDEO... "Shroud Prophecy"...
The Shroud Prophecy Tapes
"Shroud Prophecy: The Linen Body of Christ"
3 tapes: 2 guest-host shows on Proactive News plus 90-min. tape: 210 min/$37.00 ($33 + $4 shipping and handling)
This series of insights unfolded live on the air, as we came to realize the Shroud of Turin has a prophetic role, indicated in the Bible. The fabric itself holds the key to astonishing insights into church history, including events taking place at this very moment. Do not take this idea lightly. The Shroud is NOT a fake and some have contended.
Radio Show Tapes
AT LAST! We have tapes of the Premiere of our new show, along with the second show (Apr. 20th & 27th, 2002 programs). Unfortunately, there is background 'phone-line' hiss that we cannot remove because it is almost a "white noise." Pretend we recorded at the beach with the wind and surf and it will sound more 'natural'...
To compensate for this 'romantic' audio noise, we're offering the two tapes at a big discount:
- Regularly $9.95 ea.+$4 s&h (as much as $27.90)
- order both for $18+$4 s&h (ie, both for $22.00).
We are recording later shows directly, instead of through the phone, to eliminate this noise. If we do phone interviews, we will have to find an alternative, hiss-free, system.
For our growing list of subscribers, get our future radio programs on tape @$40/mo., s&h included. Each mailing has 4 or 5 tapes (4 or 5 shows/mo.).
Tell us the calendar month you wish to begin. Tapes are 60-min. as aired. [Most tapes have added material.] These tapes & subscriptions have been added to the Order Form.
Audio Tapes (not radio programs)
# 14 in Monthly Series Reviving Oout "Lost" Audio Tapes from out "Classic" Investigations of Major Controversies! eMail us Now to Reserve Your Tape!
- Lucifer and Lilith: 2 (of 2) (90 min.) $10.95 + $4 shipping and handling
- Who Lucifer and his consort Lilith are in the Bible. Mentioned more often than most suspect, they are coming back for the big finale shortly, but most people will not recognize them because they confuse them with their father Satan. Find out about the offsping of the Evil One, who the Bible says they are, and how they became famous in the pagan world under other names. Like rock stars in the ancient world, their fame spread to every continent. Another 'hidden' Biblical topic.
Don't miss the latest Too Hot For Radio tape, down below... From the series of our original audio tapes we will be offering at the rate of one per month.
- [Each Tape Hasn'tT Been Available for Two Years and May NOT Be Offered Again Anytime Soon.]
- Why Miss Out? Subscribe For Six Months!
Get the current and next five 'Classic' tapes sent automatically to you for only $89. Takes the worry out of being late, lost mail, etc... And it even costs less: $89 for 6 tapes. Use
our sample Order Form and write in "Six Month Subscription" under "Classic" line. You can also have your subscription begin with a tape
other than the current offering.
Just write, "start with..." and the tape title. Easy!
* * *
"Too Hot for Radio" Series
[Like Classic Series except each tape is brand new: $12.95 + $4 Shipping and Handling]
- The Wandering Jew: The Legend of the Undying Witness to the Crucifixion.
- Medieval legends insist such a person actually exists, and now wanders the earth. A story from many nations, the same or similar man is described in each. Do Bible prophecies speak of this legend? Is there more than one such Watcher? Whis is the mysterious Cartephilus? Why is he called the "Gate-Keeper" of Jerusalem? Why was he sent to wander the earth? Why was he both Jewish and Roman? Is he still alive in our own day?
- The 2 Witnesses & The Church Exposed
- Reveals who the two NT witnesses are likely to be and why they are alive right now and are able to witness AGAINST the Church...
- BARABBAS: Immmortal Prophet of Revelation
- Unveils one of the most mysterious and crucial persons in the Bible. His shocking identity is only the beginning of his amazing story...
"Reflective U.S. Prophecy" -- Parts I and II
- Judas: The Blotted-Out Apostle
- Judas' surprising role and that of his family.
- NAGAs: Martians Beneath Us: Part I
- The Enchanters in the Bible.
- Part 1 tells how they originated and their technologies as realted to remote viewing, magic swords, etc.
- NAGAs: Part II
- The story continues as we reveal the Book of Enoch's NAGA stories...
- NAGAs: Part III
- Following the NAGAs as they flee to Mars and then are forced back to earth...and under the earth. Mentioned in the Hebrew text c. 200 times, but hidden from English readers, the NAGAs are becoming media stars and luring your children, off-screen as well as on. They are very real and dangerous.
Commercial-Free and never broadcast, each is a Brand New Tape, as will be all tapes in the new series, Too Hot for Radio. Each tape is 90 uninterrupted (No Advertising) minutes: $12.95 + $4 shipping and handling.
Don't miss a single exciting new tape in this breathtaking new series. Subscribe today for six months and save! Only $99, shipping and handling included.
See printable Order Form.....................
Bonus for a very limited time only: You may order any or all "Too Hot" tapes you missed, but Only if You Subscribe Now! Save money and get all the tapes you missed. But there
is a limit to how many tapes I can duplicate.
So I'm only doing this for a few weeks or so to allow newcomers to catch up. Don't wait.
Now for Our Regular Tapes. . .
- Secrets of Petra (90-min. audio tape) $8.95 + $4 shipping and handling
- The Holy Grail and the Magi were long believed to be at Petra (now in Jordan). This is only one of the astonishing historical aspects of Petra, which is second only to Jerusalem as a Biblical topic. Our study shows how the Bible focuses far more attention on this site than hardly anyone realizes. If you do not know about the history of Petra, you have missed much of Biblical history...and prophecy. Why have so many overlooked all of the amazing things linked to this mysterious place?
- "Mars and Prophecy" (90-min. audio tape) $8.95 + $4 shipping and handling (Companion to next tape, below)
- What will happen when the days are shortened? Prophecy implies Mars will begin the coming cataclysms... and we will see it coming soon. Includes step-by-step run-down of what will be happening when Mars comes by the earth, as it did in days of Isaiah. Why this is good, not bad, for Christians. Scary, but comforting!
- "The Throne of Satan" (90-min. audio tape)
$8.95 + $4 shipping and handling (Companion to preceding tape, above.)
- The history of the Biblical thrones--a topic few realize is based on Two Real stones -- speaks of a throne taken "above the clouds" to some actual "mount" in the heavens. Where did this throne stone come from? Where is it now? When will it be transferred back to earth?
- The Pre-Tribulation Rapture? (90-min. audio tape) $8.95 + $4 shipping and handling
- One prophecy we must get right: Paul said salvation may depend on it. Just when will the saints be "rescued" and how? What's the Bible's sequence of events at the End of the Age? Just what is the "Tribulation"? For the unexpected answers, one must see the prophecies in Greek. Based on All 55 NT Greek Uses of "Tribulation" -- of which 52 Refer to Christian Tribulation.
Sale!! Special This Month:
Order Both Volumes of The Secret History of the Bible, and up to three Audio Tapes and Pay NO Shipping and Handling fees on the Tapes (all will ship in one box).
Hage Productions
P.O. Box 427
Brunswick, ME 04011
(Or see printable Order Form.)
Videos & Books:
- Acorns and Eat 'Em -- Video & Recipe Book $30.95 + $4 shipping and handling (Total: $34.95)
- Delightful video shows how to find, sort, shell, clean and de-acidify various edible acorns. Little-known nutrient food energized American tribes for thousands of years. Book provides recipes and a field guide to locate the proper acorns for various dishes. If you want to survive if supermarkets close, it's a vital skill to know: Acorns could save the lives of you and your loved ones. This video and book were produced by Suellen Ocean, the leading expert in the field. Essential items for your survival kit. Order yours today. (Shipped directly from California producer.)
- The Secret History of the Bible (book) $34.95 + $10.00 shipping and handling (TWO VOLS.)
- Vol. 1: Main Text, Charts
- Vol. 2: Reports & Documentation
Price per volume: $19.95 + $7 shipping and handling (Save $8.95 by ordering both volumes as a set for only $34.95 + $10 shipping and handling)
- Who really wrote the Bible? When were these books written and canonized? Why was the Bible put together the way it was? Is there a hidden design in the Scriptures? What happend to the text down through the centuries? When you see the amazing evidence for organized structure in the Bible, you will realize who actually put it together... and it was not who you think. There is evidence the Biblical design was laid down a long, long time before the Apostles. . .
- Relics of Repentance: Pilate's Wife $8.95 + $1.05 shipping and handling
- Pontius Pilate's wife Claudia is a saint in the Orthodox Church. These little-known letters and ancient texts are reason. Read about the sun darkened in Rome at the Crucifixion and many other strange events. [Note: This will be sent from Issana Press; NOT sent by
Priority Mail.]
How to Order by Mail: Send Checks or Money Orders to...
Hage Productions
P.O. Box 427
Brunswick, ME 04011
U.S. funds only. E-mail us for foreign shipping and handling. Be sure to enclose your name and address (and phone or e-mail if we may need clarification). Please allow seven to ten days for checks to clear your bank before orders will be shipped.
For over a decade we had a standard policy of shipping by Priority Mail, but with the huge increase in those rates, we often lose money on shipping. We do not want to raise our shipping and handling rates, but these increases did require a change in our policies. We will now ship via First Class or Priority mail -- Whichever is Less. You still avoid paying more later by ordering now.
E-MAIL: petragrail2 (at)
Note: E-mails with attachments deleted unread.
Ditto, e-mails with no title from strangers. Hint: Mention my name in your title... See our complete eMail policy bottom of the Home Page.
Copyright ©2002-2014 by Hage Productions, All rights Reserved.